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Privacy & Cookies Policy

data we collct

Maat’s Cyber World Privacy Policy


In this page it will be explained the website’s privacy policies and in which ways we collect user’s data when they visit the website or interact with it.


To make it easier for the users to navigate trough the page’s content I have created a list of all the topics, all this elements are links, by clicking on it you will directly access the information that you need.


It is important to understeand that this website is hosted and use Wix services which collects some data, check here their privacy and cookies policy:


List of Paragraphs:






Which data we collect?

  1. Informations on cookies

  2. Name, mail address

  3. Ip address. Info on geographical location

  4. Info on device and connection

  5. Information that the user decide to submit as an email or into the website

  6. Others info on user’s interactions with the website



How we collect data

Not all the data of the first paragraph are automatically collected.

  • Info about point 2 & 5 depends on the user’s will to share them with the contact for or by contacting via mail.

  • Points 1,3,4 and 6 are collected when the user opens the website, navigates and interacts with it.



How we use the data

The collected data are used to:

Make all the services of the website works properly.

  • Data of point 1 are used for cookies.

  • Data of point 2,5 are used to contact the user.

  • Data of point 3 & 4 are used to make the website working, to offer the language based on the geographical location or show the site in desktop/mobile mode.



How data is stored

The website is hosted on Wix platform and servers, so all the data regarding the website are stored on those servers which I have no control over.

All the eventual information shared with the site forms and emails won’t be stored for more than 5 solar years, this period begins from the last interaction the user had on the website, after this period the data will be deleted.




Currently the website does not offer any marketing services.



Your rights regarding data protection

We want to be sure that you have the knowledge on all your personal data.

Every user has:

  • The right to access their personal data: you have the right to make a request to get a copy of your personal data.

  • The right to ask us to correct your information if they are not accurate; you have also the right to request to complete the information if they appears incomplete.

  • The right to ask for the complete deletion of all your data as the law prescribes.

  • The right to reduce the data processing under certain circumstances.

  • The right to oppose to data processing under certain circumstances.

  • The right to data portability: you can ask us a copy of your personal data in the case you need them to transfer to another company, under certain circumstances.



If you are interested into exercising one of this right please contact us at:

You will get a response in 30 working days.



Privacy policies about other websites

The privacy policy described in this page is ONLY about this website.

In the website there are some links that connect to other websites, services and other applications, our privacy and cookies policies do no apply on them, we suggest the user to check their ones separately.



Updates about privacy and cookies policies

We keep the policies update and the data treatment is compliant with the GDPR, we suggest the user to re visit this page in the future to check for eventual changes.


Titular of Maat’s Cyber World data treatment :Maat;

To contact us send at email at:


How to contact the authorities

Here is a link with a list of the EU data protection authorities:

If you are a non-EU user we suggest to check online for the proper data protection authorities in your country.






What are cookies and why we need them?

Cookies are small pieces of that the websites or webservers collect and save on the user’s device to send them to the services you access the next time.

  • Essential cookies: are automatically collected on the user’s device because are necessary to make some interactions, on the website, possible.

  • Non-essential cookies: are all the others that do not fall in the first category.

This ones include cookies utilized to analyze user’s interactions or show targeted ads.


Cookies are used for different things:

  • Executing authentication;

  • Monitoring sessions;

  • Saving information regarding user’s configurations on the website or server;

  • Save user’s preferences;

  • Make easier to use online contents like tracking items in the shopping chart or compiling information in forms.

  • Some cookies can also be user do track user’s behavior and interactions, for example for commercial purposes with ads.



What types of cookies we use?

The cookies used in this website falls in one or more of this following categories:

  1. Essential cookies

  2. Analytic’s cookies

  3. Functional cookies

  4. Marketing Cookies

Depending on the types of cookies they can have a different storing duration; there are session cookies and persistent cookies.

  • Session cookies: last only during the user’s online session. The browser will delete them every time you close it.

  • Persistent cookies: stay on the user’s device after you close the browser and last for a certain amount of time depending on the cookie.

To know more about visit: .



How to edit your cookies

To know more about cookies, including to know which ones are set and understeand better how to manage, edit and block them you can visit .


Alternatively is also possible to block cookies directly from the browser, editing the cookie’s settings; usually this setting are in the menu “options” or “preferences” of your browser.


The following links might be useful, or you can press “help” directly on your browser.



To exclude and block the use of your data fron Google Analytics follow this instructions:

how we collect data
how we use the data
how data is stored
other websites
contact authorities
types of cookies
edit cookies
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