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Simple CTF Write up

This is an easy level CTF provided by TryHackme, to check their room you can use this link


To solve this challenge you will need some tools:

  • nmap

  • gobuster

  • ssh


It is also required a basic knowledge about sql injections, linux commands and privilege escalation.


Whenever you fell ready you can begin pressing START MACHINE;

To be able to interact with the machine, as THM explains you can either use their attack box or use your own kali linux machine by connecyting it via openVPN.


Now that everything has been set let's start with the CTF.


Thw walktrought won't contain the answers, to not take away the fun, but a step by step tutorial to reach them, by following it you will just have to read the flag or he answers on your own machine.



How many services are running under port 1000?

To answer this question we will use probably the most common tool for this types of challenges that is NMAP.

Nmap will scan ports for us telling wich ones are open or closed, it can also gives us info about the services that are running on this ports and many more.


For this question we can use this command:

--> nmap -sV [YOUR ROOM IP] 


Press enter and wait that the scan is completed, we will find a bunch of open ports, write them down because they will be usefull later.



What is running on the higher port?

Since we have run nmap with the -SV tag, the tool will provide us with the type and version of service running on the ports.




Now that we got a couple of information thanks to nmap we can start by visiting the machine website, since our port scan revealed that port 80 was open and an apache server is running.


To do so simply go on your browser, type http://[YOUR MACHINE IP]


Once on the website we find the default Apache2 webpage that isn't very usefull for us, seems that there we can't find much more.


It's time to use GOBUSTER, a special tool that will scan for hidden pages, directories and files for us; 

You can run it with the following command:

--> gobuster dir -u http://[YOUR MACHINE IP]  -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt 


After a minute or two it will give us this result:


This is an hidden page so lets visit it on our browser --> http://[YOUR MACHINE IP]/simple


We are now prompted to a new page with the title CMS MADE SIMPLE.



What is the CVE you are using against the application?

Now that we have found our target, the CMS page, we can search in exploit db


exploit db

Now there are many CVE we can chose from but only one is the correct answer, if we go again on out target website, at the end of the page we can find that it is version 2.2.8, so only one of this exploit will work, the SQL INJECTION, click on it and check the CVE number on the top to respond the question.


Those informations will also answer the next question about waht type of vulnerability is the application vulnerable.




We have find out the vulnerability, now is time to exploit it.


Copy the code that you can found in the explotdb page and create a new python file with this command

--> nano 

copy the code inside it, save and exit the file editor.


Now let's run the script:

--> python3 -u http://[MACHINE IP]/simple -w [WORD LIST OF YOUR CHOICE] 


Wait a little bit and on the screen we will see: username, password and an email.


We can now answer to the what is the password question.



Where can you login with the details obtained?

Now that we have the credentials we can use them, we can log into the website but wont be the correct answer and also once inside won't be very usefull to find the next flags.


But looking back at the nmap results we have found another interesting open port that can be used to remotely connect to the target machine, read the service name and answer the question.



What is the user flag?

To get our user flag first we need to be connected to the target machine, we can do so using this command



Press enter and when asked insert the password we have previously foud.


Once inside we can use the command:

--> ls 

to list files and directories, we find one of interest --> user.txt

open it with

--> cat user.txt 

read the flag inside it and answer the question



Is there any other user in the home directory? What’s its name?

To find this answer we can simply go in the home directory, list the directories with LS and we see another name, that's the other user we have been asked about.



What can you leverage to spawn a privileged shell?

It is time to do a bit of privilege escalation!

run --> sudo -l 


with this command we will see what ptograms we can run, read the name and answer te question.


To take advantage of this binary go on the GTFObins webiste, insert it and we can see that a certain command will help us to get a privileged shell, so let's run

-->  sudo -c ':!/bin/sh' 

once it open let's write

--> :!sh 


Root Flag

Well now we have a root shell, time to look around, let's go in the root home directory

--> cd /root 


Now let's see what is inside

--> ls 


We find a text file called root.txt, let's open it!

--> cat root.txt


And we have made it to the end, read the root flag and answe the last question.


Hope you had fun doing and following this room like i did. :)


To see more write ups check in the CTFs wtite ups section.

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